We are gonna look at Boolean, which stores either true or false.
let number1 = 120
print(number1.isMultiple(of: 3))
let filename1 = "paris.jpg"
Both ‘isMultiple(of:_)’ and ‘ hasSuffix’ return a new value based on their check the string has the suffix or it doesn’t. in both places there’s always a simple “true or false answer, which is where Booleans come in. they store just that, and nothing else.
var gameOver = false
Booleans have only one special operator, !, which mean “not”. this flips a Boolean’s value from true to false, or false to true.
var something = false
something = !something
that will print ‘true’ then ‘false’ when it runs, because something started as false, and we set it to not false, which is true. Now Let’s flip it again
something = !something
Now that prints ‘false’. Booleans have a little extra functionality that we call ‘.toggle()’
var gamesOver = false
That will print false, then after calling .toggle() will print true. that’s the same as using !
let firstPart = "Hello, "
let secondPart = "world!"
let greeting1 = firstPart + secondPart
we can do this many times
let people = "Good people"
let action = "love each other"
let lyrics = people + " gonna " + action
Put (code) in the String we gonna use string interpolation now. Becasue it’s much more efficient than using +. we could create one sting constant and one integer constant, then combine them into a new string
let myName = "Joseph"
let age = 56
//let message = "Hi, my name is" + myName + "and I'm" age "years old." -not good.
let message = "Hi, my name is \(myName) and I'm \(age) years old."
print("Hello \(2+3) world")
print("The result of 4 + 5 = \(4 + 5)")
Hello 5 world
The result of 4 + 5 = 9
we can put calculations inside string interpolation if we want to.
print("5 x 5 is \(5 * 5)")
We’re gonna convert temperatures from Celsius to Fahrenheit. Your goal is to write code that:
let celsius = 20.2
let fahrenheit = celsius * 9 / 5 + 32
print("Celsius is \(celsius)°C, and Fahrenheit is \(fahrenheit)°F.")
//we can use Option + Shift + 8 to get the degrees symbol:°.